Our Actions



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In France

Several types of actions will be carried out over time for the benefit of the association:

Campaigns on social media

Spread as widely as possible our project on Facebook, Instagram…

Organization of concerts and events

Séverine sings in a band and proposes to give concerts with part of the proceeds going to the association. We are thinking about other types of events that could be organised.

Donations from family and friends

Appeal to our personal network to encourage donations on special occasions (Christmas, birthdays, etc.).


Seek public and private subsidies.

Campaigning on HelloAsso

Take advantage of the HelloAsso network to promote the Association Timoun Haiti and create campaigns on their platform.

Bake sales & objects sales

Organise sales of cakes, pancakes, various objects, etc. at Luna’s highschool in Tours.

Sponsors / Small businesses

To seek and solicit small businesses interested in sponsoring our project and likely to become regular donors to the association.

In California

Thanks to Shelley Gage and her students at Raymond J. Fisher Middle School in Los Gatos, several actions have been carried out over the past 4 years in California.

In previous years, the collection of school supplies, along with fundraising activities, have allowed the sending of supplies necessary to meet the needs of the students (notebooks, pens, backpacks, ….).

Back to school 2022

This year, Shelley’s students formed small groups and each one thought of and imagined several actions to collect funds to help out the school.

Among the actions that were carried out with a lot of heart and energy: bake sales, awareness-raising videos, door-to-door visits, distribution of flyers, etc.

The result:

Close to 5000€ was raised for the association!

This amount should finance approximately 65% of the work needed to rebuild the school.

A huge thank you and congratulations to Shelley and all her students for their participation and commitment to this project laughing

Work done by Shelley students



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